Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Late reaction: Blatino Spidey

RalA few months and a couple rage forums later, I thought I would just throw my opinion out there into the masses of opinions out there. But first let me fill people in on something they probably already know: the Ultimate Marvel Comic's story line--the story line that is separate from the original Marvel story line-- has killed off Peter Parker and has replaced him with blacker, hispanicer Miles Morales.
This guy.

Of course this would cause a stir. But the stir it would cause was not just one big stir, but a large combination of tiny stirs, making a bigger confusing stir. I have heard/read various arguments for and against this change. Let's start with the smaller ones and slowly inch our way into the racial ones.

1. Peter Parker is Spider-man. Period.

I agree, Peter Parker is Spider-man. I don't want there to be a case when Peter is not Spider-man somewhere, shape or form. But lets keep in mind, this change is only the Ultimate story line. This story line was created ten years ago for cases just like this. In this universe, super heroes and villains are gay, straight, evil, good, black, Latino etc. So its not like you can't retreat to the Orignal story line where Peter Parker is still alive and kicking. Do it. That's what I read. It's wonderful. Peter Parker> Miles Morales. I'm sorry. I just love Peter. 

2. This is not the first time Spider-man has been non-white. Why the hype now?

This is so true. In the Spider-man 2099, Peter Parker is so dead. Like sooo dead....because it is the year 2099. A time where a man named Miguel O hara, a hispanic civilian of NY is the new spider-man. There was not much hype behind that then this. So, why? My theory: People perceive Parker's murder as the means for ushering in a Hispanic/ Black character. When that is not the case. The writer of Ultimate Comics has stated that the decision to make this character Hispanic/Black was not something he just wanted to do. He said that he simply made character based off what he sees daily. He felt that he doesn't only see white people when he gets on the subways in the inner city where Parker lives. It just kind of "happened." The decision to kill Pete was decided long before they had an idea for a replacement. The decision to make him a new character was also in the storyboard too. The decision to make him a non-white character was just something they did in the midst of it all. 

3. Why are people getting so excited that he is Blatino? So what? Race doesn't matter.
Okay, this one seems peaceful right? But its the kind of thing that irks my nerves the most. It depends on the way the question is being asked. If someone is saying "hey, I am fine with the change. It doesn't bother me much" then you honestly don't care about the racial aspect. Fantastic! What I don't like is "Dude, why are you so happy that he is Blatino? Its just another color. He's not really Black ( or he's not really Latino--depending on who you are). " 

When you you go out of your way to snatch something like that away from a group of people, it makes it seem like you have issues with race. Its like when 2008's election results were in and people were intent on saying "So, he's not really black! Calm down!!" Why does it bother people so much to see some group of people celebrate finally seeing someone that they looked up to finally represent them?
What people need to realize is that race clearly matters. Not all the time, but in certain situations. When your most iconic superheroes or heroes in general are so wise and full of wisdom, but rarely look like you, then it is easy for a child to feel like they lack the criteria to be as heroic. Its true and it was with me as well.

(sidenote: Bullshit! If Barack Obama mugged your ass in the night, you would describe his ass as a tall African American-ass male with a big black gun and big black lips. Just saying.)

I am skeptical though. Publicity stunt or not, Brian Bendis is a fantastic writer. He has rarely made a decision that made Spider-man a dull character. I doubt he is gonna start now. Who knows, in the next ten years, we might be seeing a love for this character more than Peter.

Nah, Peter all day long. Good luck Morales.


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