Now that it's certain I'm going to be all up in Japan again, I've reviewed the past 6 months since I left there and I'm finding it hard to say what was "filler" and what wasn't. Sure, there we're times I thought "I'm totally not gonna miss this" whenever a kid at the YMCA made a fart sound while I was talking and there were times I thought "won't miss this, either" whenever I had to awkwardly disassemble or undress a feminine mannequin. With that, though, comes a wave of things I am going to miss. I'm going to miss my haste walk into Sci-fi City to pick up weekly comics, long drives to mom's house listening to Modest Mouse, Kendrick Lamar and Pink Floyd, meeting some of the most important children I'll ever meet, teaching them to play chess, learning that referencing any Pokemon from my generation makes me "old," eating at Scott's Place: home of the Big C burger, recording videos impulsively with loved ones, loved ones, loved ones etc.
In a lot of ways, it was the past few months that made me realize why I'm going back to Japan. I have the most supportive cast of characters that have been loyal throughout the series--even the fillers. They have invested and expect me to show that their investment was a worthy one. My career in Japan started off as my own but now its about us. Its about how I can make a difference and how I can be part of someone else's supportive cast of characters. So to anyone who feels like they have been deferred from their main plot, their grand adventure and have acquired new techniques, had pointless encounters with people that may never be seen again, been over-exposed to mundane themes, I say, it's only filler if you aren't writing the series. If you are the author of your life, you'll make it work.
And as I pack my luggage while writing this last sentence, I realized I've over packed. One for clothes, the other for books and the last one is filled with fun.
Thanks for reading. Catch me here.